
Here at Wix we pride ourselves in providing quality products in a sustainable manner.


We use two brands of wax which are sourced from UK and the US as Australia currently has no wax manufacturing facilities of these types of waxes.

We use a Palm pillar wax called Naturewax elite 300, this is sourced through a manufacturer called Cargill.

Cargill’s commitment to producing and sourcing palm oil in an economical, environmentally sustainable and socially responsible manner is embodied in the philosophy of “No Deforestation, No Peat and No Exploitation.” They are taking action to increase transparency, improve engagement with stakeholders, verify progress and help transform the industry.

Globally, Cargill operates 17 refineries, 11 mills and five palm plantations. Their own plantations work with nearly 22,000 smallholder farmers (who have plantations of 2 hectares each). More than 95% of Their palm oil volume comes from third parties (about 1,700 mills). Cargill sources palm oil from more than 10 countries and delivers it to hundreds of customers worldwide. Cargills suppliers are subject to Cargill’s Policy on Sustainable Palm Oil and our Supplier Code of Conduct.


Our Soy wax is sourced through AAK, a US based company. We use a wax called Golden brands 464 wax. 

This wax is Non-toxic, Biodegradable, Clean burning,Completely free of animal derived substances and non-GM.

AAK have the same management approach for each of their key raw materials. It is their aim to fully integrate sustainability in their way of working across the global teams that are responsible for sourcing raw materials, for shipping, logistics, and with customers. In this way, AAK help connect their customers’ brands to the plants which supply the raw materials.

To maximize their impact on the raw material industries, and to work in a holistic way with the challenges AAK face, they engage with their supply chains on three levels:

  • Deeply understanding their supply base
    - Understanding the supply base, their origins and regions
    - Traceability as a means to drive progress and impact
  • Engaging with suppliers and farmers
    - Supporting suppliers and farmers to comply with global standards
    - Understanding the risks, origins and their suppliers
  • Driving impact in their supply base
    - Working together in the industry
    - Collaboration in landscape projects
    - Collaboration in projects beyond their direct supply base

Smallholder inclusion in raw material supply chains is a key objective for AAK. Their commitment is to actively ensure that smallholders are not excluded from supply chains as a result of high sustainability requirements, and that AAK initiate projects across their supply base to encourage and support smallholders. Specifically, AAK aim to contribute to initiatives that support smallholder livelihoods, through mechanisms such as improved yields and community development. 

AAK actively support UN Global Impact and ILO (International Labour Organisation)


Wix Candle co uses only the finest wicks, our wicks are lead free and are a cotton braid wick coated in soy wax.

This ensures the cleanest burn, with no toxins.

The wicks we use are HTP wicks, these are made from braided cotton and paper fibres. 

All our wicks are sourced from local Australian suppliers and are produced in Australia in accordance with Australian manufacturing standards.